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I don’t think I’m alone in this, but it doesn’t even matter if I am or not. I am saddened, repulsed, disgusted and disappointed on a daily basis. At least for a moment. That moment happens when I open any given social media and see human behavior at an all time grotesque state. Unfortunately now in a digital world, you are slammed on a daily basis witnessing tragedy after tragedy, your eyes cannot help but see ignorance and hatred everywhere.

I know for myself personally as a believer in Yeshua, Jesus Christ I’m supposed to know these things would happen and I’m supposed to allow the Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me in these times, I’m supposed to let the love of God shine in me like a light for those around me in darkness and to be honest with you? Sometimes I want to quit. I get so disgusted every time I open a social media platform, every time I hear about another school shooting, see someone getting killed unjustly by law enforcement, watching people post some of the most vicious and hateful words I’ve ever read, and the children… My God the children. I can’t stomach one more senseless death of a child.

I had a moment the other day quietly by myself with God and just broke down like “Lord… how? How am I supposed to do this? I’m trying to do what you told me to do and I can’t “. I sat there quiet and an image of a Lighthouse flashes across my mind and then that quiet still voice, that has the capability of drowning you in perfect peace that you can only relate to if you have a personal relationship with God said “a lighthouse is most effective in the darkness.” I sat there and cried. Legit cried. The darker it is, the brighter the lighthouse light becomes.

So I decided to share this because believers have different positions, jobs, titles, but ALL have the same assignment. Your job may be inside a church, out in the street, at the grocery store, in your blog, at your office, in the mall, on instagram … it doesn’t matter. Don’t compare yourself to other believers, don’t get distracted from your job because you’re busy debating someone else’s job. We all get weary and yes, sometimes it “appears” that the wickedness is winning and there’s a lot of people who call themselves believers and their social media feeds make it impossible to tell them apart from people who don’t know Christ at all…. BUT we were told these things would happen (2nd Timothy 3:1-9). This is not the time to get weary (Revelation 12:11) it’s not the time to argue denomination or name translations (1 Corinthians 12:12). One day soon, people will be so tired of the state of the world that they will welcome with open arms one world order and a one world religion. If you turned off people’s phones and debit cards tonight, they’d line up by the thousands in the morning to take a microchip if it meant getting access to their money and the internet. (Revelation 13:16)

So my strength is renewed in this and I hope this will encourage those of you who have also become weary, they don’t have to like you. They don’t have to agree with you, they don’t have to listen, and they don’t have to believe. If you saw them crossing the street and a car was coming, you would yell , WATCH OUT! At that point they can make a decision to watch out or keep going. With something so precious as a soul and where you’ll spend eternity, I would never want to see anyone I knew or ever had any interaction with, standing before God being denied access to Heaven and seeing me there and asking why didn’t I tell them the truth. What would be a good enough excuse? Because I was afraid they wouldn’t like me anymore? What excuse or apology could I give? I can live with someone not liking me, I can live with people calling me names, I can live with someone disagreeing with me, but I don’t want to bear the burden of not telling them the truth.

So in whatever country, state, region, city, industry, or platform God has given to you personally? Be wise, win souls, and do not give up. It’s always darkest before dawn and someone, somewhere is looking for the light you carry.

What really matters


All that’s worth caring about at the end of the day is where you’ll end up when you die. While you’re here on earth? Live for #Christ , share Christ with people that don’t know Him at all, take care of your family, your health and your business. Anything else is absolutely irrelevant so if you waste your time doing anything else? I guarantee you, you’ll regret it bc you can’t buy more time no matter how much money you have or don’t have and all that other nonsense doesn’t add to the clock, it only subtracts. #ThursdayThoughts #QueenTheProphet #Quote #Life #Faith #Inspire

Who’s side are you on?


Nowadays everyone’s offended. It’s frowned upon to say anything or do anything that might potentially be offensive to anyone at anytime for any reason, except God of course. Most people are more worried about being politically correct instead of biblically correct.

“No one can serve two masters, for you will love one and hate the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other.” (Matthew 6:24)

There is no middle of the road. If you serve God you absolutely will offend man and if you live your life serving man and the opinions of others you absolutely offend God. In fact, He even warns that if you are lukewarm he will spit you out of His mouth (Revelation 3:16).

So this leaves each of us with a personal decision that nobody else can make for us or help us with. If we ignore the choice then the choice is made for us. The time to make that choice shortens each day as none of us know what day will be our last.

“And if it seems evil to you to serve The Lord, choose for yourselves this day in whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15)

What Defines YOU? by @queentheprophet


What defines you? 

Seems like a simple question, right? Normally when people are asked this question they begin to start listing all of the things in their lives that are important to them (i.e. being a mother or father, their job, their heritage, etc.). Generally those answers make sense. Those answers though are very generic. The reason why they’re generic is because you are first yourself  before you are any of those things. Your spirit, your soul who you are in all of your nakedness, the you that you are when you are alone, the parts of you that think inside your own head, the emotions you feel, the pains and joys you carry, the characteristics and unique traits that define your personality, and who you are when it’s just you and God. Before you can be any of those other things, you are first yourself and if those other things no longer existed, you would still be.


In life, we often times get too caught up in things or what our life has become so much so that we forget who we are and I know plenty of people (myself included at times in my own life) that when the “things” that define us are gone? We no longer know who we are. This doesn’t mean that when terrible things happen we aren’t allowed to be sad, depressed (for a period of time), or hurt. There are times though that when people forget who and what they truly are entirely that when something terrible happens, they never come back from the place of being hurt, sad, or depressed. Did you know that men at retirement age have one of the highest rate/risk of suicide? Have you ever met a person that was once wealthy or famous and became sick, disabled, injured, or aged out of their fame or money? Have you ever met a man or woman unable to recover after a divorce? Have you ever met a parent unable to move on with their life after loosing a child? I personally know many of all of these people and at one point in time was one of them myself.


Pain is inevitable, the duration of your suffering is optional. You absolutely have the power to chose the outcome of many situations in your life. You may not be able to predict or control all of the circumstances that you will encounter but your response to them is absolutely within your control. Do you react in faith or do you react in fear? Do you use hope to cope or do you allow a terrible thing to knock you off your mark for the rest of your life? The truth of the matter is one day we will all give account to God for ourselves. Being a mother, father, sister, brother, movie star, rapper, football player, lawyer, doctor, minister, teacher, etc all means nothing on the day you stand before the throne. On that day we will each give account for ourselves and we don’t get to bring other people with us. But with that individuality also comes the individual unconditional love God has for each and everyone of us. He loves all of his creations and He absolutely is willing and capable of healing any pain you feel or turning around any circumstance you face. Many times though, He is not used for the cornerstone of the definition of ourselves and He is used like an emergency substitute in a football game when the quarterback gets injured or He gets used as the last resort genie in a bottle after a tragedy and then gets blamed for everything not going the way that we think it should ideally go.


Your status is not your identity and neither is your struggle. If you allow those things to define who and what you are then when those things no longer exist, what is left of you? Do not let society fool you into believing that you need certain material things or social status to be happy or valuable. You are a valuable being not because QTP said so, but because God said so. Every life is a gift, even a difficult one. We are entitled to nothing. Everything we have is on borrowed time and is a gift. Each gift does not come with a required time table, meaning the gift can be for a moment or for a life time. Even if a gift is for a moment, be thankful for the moment no matter if it was a single moment or a million moments and do not let a struggle or loss of a gift then become the defining factor of your life. If you still have a life? You still have a reason to live it.


You may not want to hear this, but sometimes we have to lose everything to figure out when we thought we had everything, we really didn’t have anything, and then when we lost what we thought was everything is exactly where we found something that ended up being everything that we ever needed.

Be encouraged-

